University MSc Physics 1st Sem Syllabus Details: Hello Dear Students you all want to take Admission in PG Course with MSc Physics in any University present in Bihar must Download and Check this MSc Physics 1st Semester Syllabus in PDF format and then will take Admission.
MSc Physics 1st Semester (CC-I) Syllabus:
Unit 1: Lagrangian Dynamics and Hamiltonian formulation: Constraints, Principal of Virtual Work, IV
Alen1berCs principle and its applications. I aeranee-s equation and its applications. .Jacobi integral and
energy conservation, Concept of symmetry, velocity dependent potential. Variational calculus and I.east
Action principle- Hamilton •s principle. I ,agtunge’s equation from Hamilton’s principle, Legendre
transfortnations. l lan)ilt01fs tunction and i lanulton•s equation 01 conliouration space and phase space I
equal ions i’t-onn Variat ional
Unit 2: Canonical transformations and Hamilton Jacobi theory: Generating function, canonical
transformation and its examples, group property, Lagrange and Poisson brackets and other canonical
invariants, equation of motions, Infinitesimal canonical theorem in Poisson bracket formalism, Jacobi
identity, Angular momentum- Poisson bracket relations. The Hamilton-.l«obi equation tor i lami1101fs
principal and characteristic functions with example; the harmonic oscillator, Separation of variable in
Hamilton-Jacobi equation; Action-angle variables and its examples the Kepler problem in actionangle
Unit 3: Central Force Motion and Rigid Body: Reduction to one-body problem, General Properties of
central force, Effective potential, Motion in a central force field — general solution, Inverse Square Law
force. Kepler’s Laws laws of gravitation form Kepler s laws, Virial theorem. Scattering in a central force
field and in Laboratory Co-ordinates. The rigid bodies, Kinematics of rigid body motion, (Orthoeonal
trans(örnvcltions. Fuler•s theorelll and its applications. Finite and infinitesimal rotations,rate of change of
a vector, the rigid body equation of motion, Coriolis effect, angular momentum and kinetic energy of
motion about a point, the inertia tensor and the moment of inertia, theprincipal axis transformation, the
Euler equations of motion.
Unit 4: Small Oscillation: Formulation of the problem, the eigenvalue equation and the principal axis
transformation, frequencies of free vibrations and normal coordinates, forced vibrations and the effect of
dissipative forces. Resonance and beats.
Unit 5: Relativity: Review of special theory of relativity – Lorentz transformations; 4-vectors,
4dimensional velocity and acceleration; 4-momentum and 4-force; Covariant equations of motion;
Relativistic kinematics (decay and elastic scattering); Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of a relativistic
particle. General theory of relativity: Curved space-time; Eotvos experiment and the equivalence
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University MSc Physics 1st Semester Syllabus:
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Yes, This University MSc Physics 1st Semester Syllabus is based on CBCS pattern.