University MSc Chemistry 3rd Sem Syllabus Download Link

University MSc Chemistry 3rd Sem Syllabus Details: Hello Dear Students you all want to take Admission in PG Course with MSc Chemistry in any University present in Bihar must Download and Check this MSc Chemistry 3rd Semester Syllabus in PDF format and then will take Admission.

MSc Chemistry 3rd Semester (CC-X) Syllabus:

Unit-1 : (A) Rotational Spectroscopy
Quantization of rotational energy and interactions of radiation with rotators. Classification of rotators; rigid rotator and Non-rigid rotator linears, Symmetric top, symmetric and asymmetric rotators, isotopic effect, starck effect, effect of nuclear spin, and electron spin on rotational spectra.
(B) Applications — Determination of internuclear distance of diatomic molecule, dipolemoment, ato ic mass of isotope, effect of bond distortion on rotational energies. For More Syllabus Download PDF.

Unit-II : (A) Vibrational Spectra
Harmonie oscillator model, harmonic and anharmonic vibration, Normal vibration, Factors affecting vibration frequencies, vibrating rotators, P.Q.R. Branches, overtones, anharmonicity constant, Raman effect, stokes and antistokes lines, selection rules for IR and Raman spectra, Principle of
mutual exclusion. Polarization of Raman Lines.
(B) ApplicationsOrganic effect of conjugation, resonance inductive effect, ring strain and hydrogen bonding on group frequencies and band shapes. Inorganic: Changes with vibrational frequencies upon co-ordination, cases of linkage isomers, I.R. and Raman active form of vibrational geometry of
AB2, AB3, AB, and ABs. Hydrogen bonding.

Unit-III : (A) Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Nuclear magnetic resonance, chemical shift, factors controlling its value spin-spin interaction and factors affecting its value. Spin Lattice relaxation and quantative treatment of relaxation, selection rule and relative intensities of line. Principle of ESR spectroscopy, presentation of spectrum, theory of
hyperfine, interaction, Isotopic g and A values.
(B) PMR and CMR Spectroscopy Chemical shifts value and correlation for proton-bonded with carbon.
Effect of chemical exchange on line width, coupling constants, Interp*:tation of PMR and CMR spectra of organic compounds. Double resonance application of !9F and 3!P spectra of inorganic compounds.

Unit- IV : (A) Mass Spectrometry
Ion production and Fragmentation, molecular ion peak, Metastable peak, Me. Lafferty rearrangement. Examples of mass spectra of organic compounds.
(B) Basic principles, spectral parameters and spectrum display, Application of the technique to the studies of (1) bonding and structure of Fe’? and Fe compounds including those of intermediates spin. (2) Sn‘? and Sn**

Unit-V :

(A) UV-Visible Spectroscopy Spectra of carbonyl compounds and conjugated polyenes, WoodwardFisher rules , aromatic and heterocyclic compounds, and steric effect in diphenyls, quantitative determinations.

(B) Photoelectron Spectroscopy Basic principles of photoelectric effect ionization. Process, PES and
XPS photo-electron spectra of O , N2» and NO (simple molecule). Adiabatic and vertical ionization energy, Koopman’s theorem.

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Students first of all Visit: >> and then Click on Syllabus Button on menu bar >> Now Click on PG Syllabus >> Select University and then Click on Subject to Download All University MSc Chemistry 3rd Semester Syllabus?

Is this University MSc Chemistry 3rd Semester Syllabus is based on CBCS?

Yes, This University MSc Chemistry 3rd Semester Syllabus is based on CBCS pattern.

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