LNMU UG Courses List of BA BSc BCom- MJC, MIC, MDC, AEC, SEC, VAC

LNMU UG Courses List | BA, BSc, BCom New Graduation Courses Details: Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga conducts many UG (Science, Commerce, Humanities and Social Science) Courses having different Type of Subjects.

LNMU BSc (Science) Subject List Name:

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Math
  4. Zoology
  5. Botany
  6. Electronics
  7. Geology
  8. Statistics

LNMU BCom (Commerce) Subject List Name:

  1. Account & Finance
  2. Human Resourses & Management
  3. Marketing

LNMU BA(Social Science) Subject List Name:

  1. AIHC
  2. Anthropology
  3. Economics
  4. Geography
  5. HIstory
  6. Home Science
  7. Political Science
  8. Industrial Relation & Persional Management
  9. LSW
  10. Public Administration
  11. Psychology
  12. Rural Economics / Cooperative
  13. Sociology

LNMU BA (Humanities) Subject List Name:

  1. Arabic
  2. Bengali
  3. English
  4. Dramatics
  5. Hindi
  6. Magahi
  7. Maithili
  8. Music
  9. Nepali
  10. Pali
  11. Oria
  12. Persian
  13. Philosophy
  14. Sanskrit
  15. Santhali
  16. Urdu
  17. Bhojpuri
  18. Buddhist Studies
  19. Prakrit / Jainology
  20. Angika
  21. Gandhian Thoughts / Darshan

LNMU Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) List

University Skill Enhancement Course List for Arts, Science, Commerce

LNMU Value Added Course (VAC) List

University Value Added Course List for Arts, Science, Commerce

LNMU Ability Enhancement Course (AEC) List

University Ability Enhancement Course List for Arts, Science, Commerce

Type of UG Programs (BA / BSc / BCom):

According to New Education Policy 2020 the UG Courses are devided into 4 Gropus named Science, Commerce, Humanities & Social Science.

  1. Science Programs.
  2. Commerce Programs.
  3. Humanities Programs.
  4. Social Science Programs.

BA, BSc, BCom Programs Paper Types:

According to New Education Policy 2020 Students have to Study total 6 Typs of Papers. Each of which are written below.

Paper-Type Full NameShort Name
Major Core CourseMJC (All Semester)
Minor CourseMIC (All Semester)
Multi Disciplinary CourseMDC (Sem-1, 2, 3)
Ability Enhancement CourseAEC (Sem-1, 2, 3, 4)
Skill Enhancement CourseSEC (Sem-1, 2, 3)
Value Added CourseVAC (Sem-1, 2)

How many Science Subjects are Available in LNMU Mithila University?

There are total 8 Subjects are Availble in Science Feculty of LNMU Mithila University. Whose Names are mentioned Above.

How many Commerce Subjects are Available in LNMU Mithila University?

There are total 3 (Three) Subjects are Availble in Commerce Feculty of LNMU Mithila University. Account & Finance, Human Resourses & Management, Marketing

How many Humanities Subjects are Available in LNMU Mithila University?

There are total 21 (Twenty One) Subjects are Availble in Commerce Feculty LNMU Mithila University.

How many Social Science Subjects are Available in LNMU Mithila University?

There are total 13 (Thirteen) Subjects are Availble in Commerce Feculty LNMU Mithila University.

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