University MSc Physics 4th Sem Syllabus Details: Hello Dear Students you all want to take Admission in PG Course with MSc Physics in any University present in Bihar must Download and Check this MSc Physics 4th Semester Syllabus in PDF format and then will take Admission.
MSc Physics 4th Semester (CC-V) Syllabus:
Unit 1: Theory of Scattering: Laboratory and centre of mass reference frames, Differential and total cross
sections, scattering amplitudes using green’s function, scattering by symmetric potential, Partial wave
analysis, Phase shift, scattering amplitudes in terms of phase shift, optical theorem, scattering by square well potential and perfectly rigid sphere; Born approximation, its validity, application to square well potential and Yukawa potential
Units 2: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Postulates of Quantum Mechanics, Space time description of
Schrodinger Wave Equation, Klein Gordon equation, Dirac equation, covariant form; Plane wave solution;
Dirac interpretation of negative energy states and concept of antiparticles; Spin and magnetic moment of the electron. Non relativistic reduction. Helicity and chiralitxz Properties of matrices; Charge conjugation;
Normalization and completeness of spinors.
Unit 3: Quantum Field Theory: Second quantization — Lagrangian field theory, Hamiltonian formulation.
(Qllantization of scalar field. Quantization of complex scalar and “Schrodinger” tield. Bosons and Fermions
Unit 4: Quantum Chromodynamics I: Introduction to quantum chromodynamics, Quark model
Unit 5: Quantum Chromodynamics II: Standard model, Grand Unified Theories,
Course Outcomes: Students will have understanding of. Importance of relativistic quantum mechanics compared to non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
- Various tools to understand field quantization and related concepts.
- Exposure to quantum field theory and universal interactions.
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University MSc Physics 4th Semester Syllabus:
MSc Physics 4th Sem Syllabus | Click_Here |
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Is this University MSc Physics 4th Semester Syllabus is based on CBCS?
Yes, This University MSc Physics 4th Semester Syllabus is based on CBCS pattern.