BRABU BSc Physics New Syllabus 4-Year / All Semester 2023

BRABU BSc Physics New Syllabus 4-Year / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Semester Physics Syllabus: Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University is now starting CBCS based 4-Year Graduation Courses with many Social Science, Science, Commerce or Humanity Subjects.

Study Origin here prividing you BSc Physics Complete Syllabus for 1st Semester, 2nd Semester, 3rd Semester, 4th Semester, 5th Semester, 6th Semester, 7th Semester and 8th Semester Full Syllabus in PDF are Availble here.

BRABU BSc Physics Syllabus Type Availability:

  1. BRABU BSc Physics Major Core Courses (MJC) Syllabus
  2. BRABU BSc Physics Minor Courses (MIC) Syllabus
  3. BRABU BSc Physics Multidisciplinary Course Syllabus
  4. BRABU BSc Physics Ability Enhancement Course Syllabus
  5. BRABU BSc Physics Skill Enhancement Course Syllabus
  6. BRABU BSc Physics Value Added Course Syllabus

BSc Physics MJC-1 Syllabus (1st Semester)

Theory Paper Syllabus

UnitMJC -1: Introduction to Mathematical Physies & Classical Mechanics
1Concept of Differentiation & Integration:
Differential calculus: Geometric Meaning of,derivative; Maxima & Minima; Approximation of derivative; Partial Differentiation, Approximation using Taylor and Binomial series. Integral Calculus: Geometric Meanifigjof integration, order and degree of differential equation, Solution of First order (homogeneous & Non-homogeneous), Integrating Factor, Exact and Inexact Differentials, D-operator & Solution of Second order Differential Equation.
2Vector Algebra & Vector Calculus:
Vector Triple Products & theifsignifieance; concept of scalar & vector fields, Gradient of scalar . Divergence & ‘Cuithof vectors and their physical applications in Physics ( e.g. Equation of continuity , Euler’s!equation of motion, Bernoulli’s theorem, Fourier heat flow, Poisson’s and Laplace’s equation inja gravitational field, Gauss’s law of in Electrostatic, etc.).
3Fundamentals of Dynamics
Inertial andé Nen-Inertial Frame of Reference, Rotating frame of Reference, Centrifugal and_Cosiolis Féfees with their applications (Effect on value of *g’, On path of freely falling bady,.Geo- physical effect); Foucault pendulum, Direct proof of rotation of Earth
4Centre of Mass Frame and Central Forces
Lab frame & Centre of Mass frame, Two dimensional collision in physical problems, Relation connecting Scattering angle, Recoil angle, final velocities in C-frame & L-frame, Cross section & Rutherford scattering, Central forces and their equations,: General Equation of central orbit, Kepler’s law of Planetary motion , Artificial satellite.

MJC-1 Practical Paper Syllabus

At least 6 experiments must be performedAcidimetry and Alkalimetry

  1. Elementary measuring apparatus — Use of Vernierg@alliper, Screw guage and Spherometer.
  2. To determine least Count of (i) Travelling Microscope (ii)Spectrometer (iii) Polarizer.
  3. To Evaluate value of “g” using Bar Pendulum
  4. To Evaluate value of “g” using Kater’s Pendulum
  5. To Verify Conservation of linear Momentum usingcurved, track apparatus.
  6. To Determine Young’s modulus of Elasticity by Flexure of Beam
  7. To Determine Elastic constants for the material ofa Wire by Searle’s method
  8. To Determine Surface Tension by method of ripples/use of Capillary tube
  9. To Determine Co-efficient of Viscosity of liquidyby Stokes method/Poiseuille’s method of flow of water through Capillary.
  10. To study the motion of spring-mass system and to evaluate spring constant / value of “g.
  11. To evaluate average error, standard deviation, and percentage error in measurement of focal length of a concave mirror/Conyex fens)

Continuous Pratical Record


BRABU BSc Physics MJC-1 Syllabus Theory Paper
BRABU BSc Physics MJC-1 Syllabus Practical Paper

BSc Physics MIC-1 Syllabus (1st Semester)

Theory Paper Syllaubs

UnitMIC-1 Introduction to Mathematical Physics & Classical Mechanics
1Introduction to Calculus & Vector:
Differential calculus:
Geometric Meaning of derivative; Maxima & Minima; Approximation of derivative; Partial Differentiation.
Integral Calculus: Geometric Meaning of integration, order and degree of differential equation, Solution of First order (homogeneous & Non-homogeneous), Integrating Factor, Exact and Inexact Differentials.
Recapitulation of Vectors, Vector Algebra involving two and three vectors, Introduction to Gradient, Divergence , Curl of Vectors with their physical significance.
2Fundamentals of Dynamics
Inertial and Non-Inertial Frame of Reference, Rotating frame, Fictitious Forces Centrifugal and Coriolis Forces with their applications (Effect on value of *g’, On path of freely falling body)
Introduction to special theory of relativity & its postulates

Practical Paper Syllaubs

  1. Elementary measuring apparatus — Use of Vernier calliper, Screw guage and Spherometer.
  2. To determine least Count of (i) Travelling Microscope (1i)Spectrometer (iii) Polarizer.
  3. To Evaluate value of “g” using Bar Pendulum
  4. To Evaluate value of “g” using Kater’s Pendulum
  5. To Verify Conservation of linear Momentum using curved track apparatus.
  6. To Determine Young’s modulus of Elasticity by Flexure of Beam
  7. To Determine Elastic constants for the material of a wire by Searle’s method
  8. To Determine Surface Tension by method of ripples/use of Capillary tube
  9. To Determine Co-efficient of Viscosity of liquid by Stokes method/Poiseuille’s method of flow of water through Capillary.
  10. To study the motion of spring-mass system and to evaluate spring constant/value of “g”

Continue Practical Record

Viva Voice

BSc Physics MDC-1 Syllabus (1st Semester)

Theory Paper Syllaubs

UnitMDC-1 Physics Around Us
1Climate Science
Atmospheric science as multidisciplinary science, physical and dynamical metrology weather, climate variables, and their difference. Surface weather station weather forecasting, Greenhouse effect, Physics of Climate change and Climate model
2Applications of Physics
Application in Agriculture,Agro Physics,Agro — ecosystem,Soil Physics, Food preservation, Physics behind medical imaging, LASER —Surgery.
3Energy Sources- Importance of Renewable energy ; solar energy, hydro thermal energy,
Geothermal Energy, Hydrogen based Fuel , CNG . Energy Harvesting

BRABU BSc Physics All Semester Syllabus Download Link:

BSc Physics Semester-1 & 2Click Here
BSc Physics Semester-3 & 4जल्द ही आएगा
BSc Physics Semester-5 & 6जल्द ही आएगा
BSc Physics Semester-7 & 8जल्द ही आएगा

BRABU BSc Physics (Semester-1 & 2) Syllabus PDF

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BRABU BSc Physics Skill Enhancement Courses for Science

SEC-1 Subject List for 1st Semester

  1. Advance Spreadsheet Tools
  2. Basic IT Tolls
  3. Creative Writing
  4. Communication in Everyday life

SEC-2 Subject List for 2nd Semester

  1. Big Data Analysis
  2. Beginners Course to Calligraphy
  3. Intreduction to Cloud Computing (AWS)
  4. Personality Development & Communication

SEC-3 Subject List for 3rd Semester

  1. Prospecting E-waste for e Personal sustainability
  2. Visual Communication & Photography
  3. Graphic Design & Animation
  4. Statistics & Software Package
  5. Communication in Professional Life

BRABU BSc Physics Value Added Course List for Science

VAC-1 Subject List for 1st Semester

  1. Ayurveda & Nutrition
  2. Financial Literacy
  3. Ethic & Culture
  4. Art of Being Happy
  5. Swach Bharat
  6. Fit India
  7. Panchakosha: Holistic Development of Personality
  8. Culture & Communication

VAC-2 Subject List for 2nd Semester

  1. Vedic Mathematics
  2. Emotional Intelligence
  3. Yoga Philosophy & Practice
  4. Ethics & Values in Ancient indian Tradition
  5. Constitutional Values & Fundamental Duties
  6. Social & Emotional Leaming
  7. Ecology & Literature

BRABU BSc Physics Ability Enhancement Course List for Science

AEC-1 Subject List for 1st Semester

  1. MIL

AEC-2 Subject List for 2nd Semester

  1. Environmental Science

AEC-3 Subject List for 3rd Semester

  1. Coruse on Disaster Risk Management

AEC-4 Subject List for 4th Semester

  1. Course on NCC/NSS/NGO’s/Social Service/Scout & Guide/Sports.

How many Subjects are Available in BRABU BSc Physics Courese according to CBCS 4-Year Courses?

There are total 6 Subjects shoud be study to Complete their BSc Physics Courses
BRABU BSc Physics Major Core Courses (MJC) Syllabus
BRABU BSc Physics Minor Courses (MIC) Syllabus
BRABU BSc Physics Multidisciplinary Course Syllabus
BRABU BSc Physics Ability Enhancement Course Syllabus
BRABU BSc Physics Skill Enhancement Course Syllabus
BRABU BSc Physics Value Added Course Syllabus

How to Download BRABU BSc Physics Syllabus for All Semesters in PDF?How to Download BRABU BSc Physics Syllabus for All Semesters in PDF?

Steps to Download BRABU BSc Physics Syllabus are written following:
Visit >>> फिर आपको मेनू पर Click करना है >>> अब University Wise Syllabus Button पर Click करना है >>> अब आपको University का नाम Select करना है >>> फिर आपको अपना Subject (Physics) पर Click करना है >>> तो आपका Syllaubs (Physics) वाला Article Open हो जाएगा

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