BRABU BA Arabic New Syllabus 4-Year / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Semester BA Arabic Syllabus: Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University is now starting CBCS based 4-Year Graduation Courses with many Social Science, Science, Commerce or Humanity Subjects.
Study Origin is here Providing you BA Arabic Complete Syllabus for 1st Semester, 2nd Semester, 3rd Semester, 4th Semester, 5th Semester, 6th Semester, 7th Semester and 8th Semester Full Syllabus in PDF are Availble here.
BRABU BA Arabic Syllabus Type Availability:
- BRABU BA Arabic Major Core Courses (MJC) Syllabus
- BRABU BA Arabic Minor Courses (MIC) Syllabus
- BRABU BA Arabic Multidisciplinary Course Syllabus
- BRABU BA Arabic Ability Enhancement Course Syllabus
- BRABU BA Arabic Skill Enhancement Course Syllabus
- BRABU BA Arabic Value Added Course Syllabus
BRABU BA Arabic MJC-1 Syllabus (1st Semester)
Unit | MJC -1: Arabic Grammar & Prose |
1 | An Introduction to basic Arabic Language and grammar (InstructiOn.of parts of Speech, Nouns and its genres) |
2 | Verbs and its different kinds (Past, Presentand Future with its conjugations) |
3 | Different genres of structures and sentences |
4 | Common vocabulariessand simple sentences |
5 | Translation of Arabic into English/Urdu and vice versa |
6 | Reading practices of Arabic text book |

BRABU BA Arabic MIC-1 Syllabus (1st Semester)
Unit | MIC-1 : Arabic Grammar & Prose |
1 | An Introduction to basic Arabic grammar and its rules (Instructiomof parts of Speech, Nouns and Verbs- Past, present and future with conjugation) |
2 | Learning selected lessons from Arabic text book (1-10 lessons) |
3 | Translation of Arabiain to English/Urdu and vice versa, and common vocabularies and simple sentences |

BRABU BA Arabic All Semester Syllabus Download Link:
BA Arabic Semester-1 & 2 | Click Here |
BA Arabic Semester-3 & 4 | जल्द ही आएगा |
BA Arabic Semester-5 & 6 | जल्द ही आएगा |
BA Arabic Semester-7 & 8 | जल्द ही आएगा |
BRABU BA Arabic (Semester-1 & 2) Syllabus PDF
[embeddoc url=””]BRABU BA Arabic Skill Enhancement Courses for Arts / Social Science
SEC-1 Subject List for 1st Semester
- Advance Spreadshcet Tools
- Public Speaking in English Language & Leadership
- Creative Writing
- Communication in Everyday life
SEC-2 Subject List for 2nd Semester
- Big Data Analysis
- Beginners Course to Calligraphy
- Personality Development & Communication
- पटकथा लेखन
SEC-3 Subject List for 3rd Semester
- Personal Financial Planning
- Visual Communication & Photography
- Statistics & Software Package
- Communication in Professional Life
- रचनात्मक लेखन
- रंगमंच
BRABU BA Arabic Value Added Course List for Arts / Social Science
VAC-1 Subject List for 1st Semester
- Gandhi & Education
- Sports for life
- Ethic & Culture
- Art of Being Happy
- Swach Bharat
- Fit India
- Panchakosha: Holistic Development of Personality
- भरतीय भक्ति परंपरा एवं मानव मूल्य
VAC-2 Subject List for 2nd Semester
- Vedic Mathematics
- Emotional Intelligence
- Yoga Philosophy & Practice
- Ethics & Values in Ancient indian Tradition
- Constitutional Values & Fundamental Duties
- Social & Emotional Leaming
- सुजनात्मक लेखन एवं आयाम
BRABU BA Arabic Ability Enhancement Course List for Arts / Humanities
AEC-1 Subject List for 1st Semester
AEC-2 Subject List for 2nd Semester
- Environmental Science
AEC-3 Subject List for 3rd Semester
- Coruse on Disaster Risk Management
AEC-4 Subject List for 4th Semester
- Course on NCC/NSS/NGO’s/Social Service/Scout & Guide/Sports.
How many Subjects are Available in BRABU BA Arabic Courese according to CBCS 4-Year Courses?
There are total 6 Subjects shoud be study to Complete their BRABU BCom Marketing Courses
BRABU BA Arabic Major Courses (MIC) Syllabus
BRABU BA Arabic Minor Courses (MIC) Syllabus
BRABU BA Arabic Multidisciplinary Course Syllabus
BRABU BA Arabic Ability Enhancement Course Syllabus
BRABU BA Arabic Skill Enhancement Course Syllabus
BRABU BA Arabic Value Added Course Syllabus
How to Download BRABU BA Arabic Syllabus for All Semesters in PDF?
Steps to Download BRABU BA Arabic Syllabus are written following:
Visit >>> फिर आपको मेनू पर Click करना है >>> अब University Wise Syllabus Button पर Click करना है >>> अब आपको University का नाम Select करना है >>> फिर आपको अपना Subject (BA Arabic ) पर Click करना है >>> तो आपका Syllaubs (BA Arabic ) वाला Article Open हो जाएगा