BRABU Skill Enhancement Course List PDF / SEC-1, 2, 3 Semester

BRABU Skill Enhancement Course List / All Skill Enhancement Course List for Arts, Science and Commerce Students: Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University is conducting 4-Year Graduation Courses having One Part as Skill Enhancement Course. In this Skill Enhancement Course there are many Subjects have to Study. These All Subjects List are Available here.

 Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University

UG Skill Enhancement Course Subject List

BRABU Skill Enhancement Course List for Arts, Science, Commerce

BRABU Skill Enhancement Course List for Science

SEC-1 Subject List for 1st Semester

  1. Advance Spreadsheet Tools
  2. Basic IT Tolls
  3. Creative Writing
  4. Communication in Everyday life

SEC-2 Subject List for 2nd Semester

  1. Big Data Analysis
  2. Beginners Course to Calligraphy
  3. Intreduction to Cloud Computing (AWS)
  4. Personality Development & Communication

SEC-3 Subject List for 3rd Semester

  1. Prospecting E-waste for e Personal sustainability
  2. Visual Communication & Photography
  3. Graphic Design & Animation
  4. Statistics & Software Package
  5. Communication in Professional Life

BRABU Skill Enhancement Course List for Arts / Social Science

SEC-1 Subject List for 1st Semester

  1. Advance Spreadshcet Tools
  2. Public Speaking in English Language & Leadership
  3. Creative Writing
  4. Communication in Everyday life

SEC-2 Subject List for 2nd Semester

  1. Big Data Analysis
  2. Beginners Course to Calligraphy
  3. Personality Development & Communication
  4. पटकथा लेखन

SEC-3 Subject List for 3rd Semester

  1. Personal Financial Planning
  2. Visual Communication & Photography
  3. Statistics & Software Package
  4. Communication in Professional Life
  5. रचनात्मक लेखन
  6. रंगमंच

BRABU Skill Enhancement Course List for Commerce

SEC-1 Subject List for 1st Semester

  1. Advance Spreadsheet Tools
  2. Digital Marketing
  3. Creative Writing
  4. Communication in Everyday in Life

SEC-2 Subject List for 2nd Semester

  1. Big Data Analysis
  2. Beginners Course to Calligraphy
  3. Business Communication
  4. Personality Development & Communication

SEC-3 Subject List for 3rd Semester

  1. Prospecting E-waste for e Personal sustainability
  2. Sustainable Ecotourism & Entrepreneurship
  3. Visual Communication & Photography
  4. Statistics & Software Package
  5. Communication in Professional Life

How many Courses should be studied in BRABU Skill Enhancement Course for Arts, Science or Commerce?

There are total 4 Units will be studied in 1st Semester, 4 Units in 2nd Semester and 5 Units in 3rd Semester whould be studied.

How many type of Skill Enhancement Courses are Availbe in BRABU University?

There are total 21 Different type of Courses are conductes in whole 1st, 2nd and 3rd Semester

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